There is no charge for patrons living within Ord Township to check out materials from our collection. Property taxes are collected from residents of Ord Township to support the library. Patrons living outside of Ord Township are assessed a fee of $20.00 for a student, $30.00 for an adult, or $40 for a family library card.

The entire collection of materials consists of over 22,000 items. Besides books, the library has eBooks and eAudiobooks, large print books, newspaper subscriptions, multiple magazine subscriptions, audiobooks, DVD’s, Lego sets, and puzzles.
Check Out Periods:
Books and Audiobooks – 2 Weeks
Movies and Magazines – 1 Week
eBooks and eAudiobooks: Digital items can be checked out from the library by going through our online catalog and selecting the OverDrive link. You can also download the Libby App or OverDrive App. A valid patron number and phone number are needed for check out. If you have any questions please call the library at 308-728-3012 or email director@ordlibrary.org.
Interlibrary loan: If we don’t have it, we can usually get it! If you are looking for a specific item and we do not have it in our collection, we electronically locate other libraries’ holdings and borrow the item. The cost is $4.00 per title.
Computers: Seven public access computers are available for use.
WIFI: is available during library hours and is password protected.
Databases: Public Access Databases have been made available by the Nebraska Library Commission at nebraskaccess.ne.gov
Copying/Printing: Copying/printing is $.10 for black/white copies and $.25 for color copies.
Scanning documents: Scanning documents is free of charge.
BESIDES JUST CHECKING OUT BOOKS… EVERYDAY YOUR LIBRARY IS USED FOR: Reading Newspapers, Job Hunting, Studying, Networking, Working on Puzzles, Meetings, Connecting, Book Clubbing, Researching, Laughing, Discovering, Surfing the Net, Lunch Breaking, Learning, Gaming, Genealogical Researching, Relaxing, Social Interacting, Growing, Community Building, A Safe Place to Be After School… or Anytime!